Thursday, February 25, 2010


For those of you who don't know, BMI is your body mass index. You tell your gender, weight, and height, and it gives you a number (usually between 18 and 30 - 30 is obese, and 18-19 is underweight).

A lot of people put a lot of stock into this measurement, but...Don't! It's silly. I have an unhealthy BMI because I am 6'0" and weight 185 lbs. Yet I could run a marathon, I can bike over 100 miles at an 18 mph average, I can bench press 250 lbs., I have a low body fat percentage, and I have a sub-60 resting heart rate.

If you're really concerned about health, then all that's truly relevant is your heart health, and your body fat percentage. Don't put too much stock into BMI, because if you did, then I'd be unhealthy :[

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